2. dating babyIt sounds strange but if you know how to make chat sessions in the outdoor scenes, would be very cool with a little funYou can join hands she walked around the lake, sitting benches for her plaited hair, or simply playing catch with her on the grass ... These activities have helped strengthen her physically fit to help the mother fresh human spirit.
3. nickname for the baby bookBabies often parents give a name to think of fun for indoor use. This baby is the mouse, the other is the baby bear puppy, adorable urchins ... The nickname will mount love your mother the most natural because each name is associated with interesting things secret
4. questions put to her humor"If you want to fly with wings, then I go? "
"After this I want to be a singer famous ?..... are questions that the children playing happily like to hear. Humor can pass from mother to baby, making her want you more closely
5. Along with her eating one meal a day minimumWith mothers who work the same with baby food into a problematic task. you eat lunch outside should not be counted, only dinner is a time for family reunion. This is your chance to be close and baby care
6. listen to babyBabies are considered more important than their parents anything. Many children prefer to dial calls while your mobile is working. Despite the very busy, you should also emphasize to her understanding that "parents are always here and willing to hear me say"
7. scheduled to go out with babyYou should participate in the activities of her daily schedule, for example if you have proposed regulations, set aside 15 minutes every afternoon to play soccer with her, you should perform regular